Grinding your teeth is like putting 200 lbs. of pressure on them. As much as 50-95% of the population bruxes. And the results of bruxism can be serious: discomfort, soreness, tooth fractures, even tooth loss. The Doctor's NightGuard is a simple, affordable solution for protecting your teeth and jaw from the detrimental effects of nighttime teeth grinding. It consists of a mouldable plastic mouth guard that comfortably fits over your upper teeth and features a patented 2 layer design: a soft upper layer to cushion and absorb and a firm lower layer to prevent grinding and bite through--less bulky, more flexible, more secure
The guard was developed by a leading dentist using specially formulated dental impression material. This material is easily and precisely moulded to your teeth using boiling water. Because you fit The Doctor's NightGuard at home, it is much less expensive than a dentist-made orthosis. The entire fitting process takes less than 5 minutes, and the dental protector comes with a complete, illustrated guide to help you through it. It provides instant overnight relief from the pain of grinding your teeth can prevent long-term damage to your teeth and jaw provides a customized fit, so it's comfortable to wear all night long is safe for teeth and gums does not impede breathing is non-toxic costs hundreds of dollars less than a guard prescribed by a dentist How do I know if I need The Doctor's Nightguard?
Our dental guards are not recommended for children under 18 years of age. Because children are not as adept at behaviour modification as adults, we don’t want them to rely on our dental guards as a solution to their teeth grinding. Our ultimate goal is for our customers to stop their habit, and our dental guards are only a step in the right direction. If you are worried about your child’s teeth grinding, we recommend that you seek advice from your dentist.